We build, where applicable, from the (current) 2012 Ontario Building Code with 2023 updates. Projects requiring novel solutions that are not informed by Ministry of Municipal Affairs' regulatory standards will be approached from the first principles of masonry construction, using methods that have developed over the past 6000 years. All of our craftwork, regardless of permitting requirements, is guaranteed under the Consumer Protection Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 30, Schedule A. All of the materials we employ are guaranteed by us as fit for their purposes employed, pursuant to the Sale of Goods Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S. 1. We acknowledge and maintain our professional obligations and standards for all projects, however novel they may be. We are not afraid to undertake such projects and will never demand a client contract out of their legal protections, ever.
We have built and repaired hundreds of brick pillars and chimneys in East Toronto and Southwest Scarborough!